The importance of warming up before exercising

warming up before exercise


warming up before exerciseWhat’s a warm-up?

A warm-up is a session that takes place before performing the physical activity; typically a warm-up will include mild aerobic exercises combined with stretches.

What happens at a warm-up?

Many warm-up sessions will include a combination of aerobic exercises, stretching and strength exercises. Stretching warms the muscles and prepares them for the movements they’ll be asked to execute during the activity while the cardiovascular exercises are designed to improve circulation, improve body temperature and bring the heart rate up. Volatile strength exercises, which includes jumps or sprint exercises, gently increase the strength and prepare the body for sudden movements in the sport. Those exercises should only be done once the muscles are warm; this is going to prevent injuries.

Impacts of the warm-up

The warm-up should prepare the body for exercise by slowly increasing the heart rate and flow; this is going to loosen the joints and improve blood circulation to the muscles. The warm-up is also a fantastic way to prepare themselves mentally for the game beforehand and to get a team to work together before the game. Warm-ups may also be used to practice skills and group drills. Blood is crucial for your muscles to work correctly, especially at the higher level of need you are expecting during exercise.

Ligaments and tendons are more flexible when there’s more blood flowing through them, as the surrounding fluid is in a perfect consistency to help your joints move smoothly. Consider it as a process like oiling a door or wheel hinge – everything works better and does not creak!

Getting more blood into your muscles also means giving them more nourishment, and this is essential for energy production.

You can achieve this much more efficiently (and reduce your injury risk) with dynamic stretching. This entails gradually putting your body through the type of movements you will be making throughout your workout, as opposed to making all your moves on the place – otherwise called static stretching.


How long a warm-up last for?

Most warm-up sessions last between 20 minutes and half an hour this given the body a lot of time to slowly prepare for physical activity and give the player time to make themselves emotionally.

Preventing Injury

The most important reason for doing a warm-up is to avoid injury during exercise; keeping the muscles warm will avert acute injuries and will stave off overuse injuries by allowing the body to prepare steadily and safely. In most of the sports, such as baseball or rugby, it’s a great idea to extend throughout the game as this will keep the muscles warm and enable them to work efficiently; replacements should also continue to operate and stretch while they’re waiting to join a match; this is usually seen in soccer matches where the replacements run, jump and stretch along the sidelines.